• Add Images, Videos & Style Your Text

    Adding images and videos to your posts is a great way to grab readers’ attention. Writing a text post? You can style it too with bold, italics, quotes & more! Looking for fresh design options? Then we’ve got you covered. Make each post look exactly the way you want by styling your text. You can also customize the look of your videos and images....
  • How to Delete This Post

    Ready to delete this post and add your own? You can do it when you’re logged in to your live site or in Preview Mode.Simply click on the More Options icon (the 3 dots that appears on the post) and hit Delete Post. You can also head to Settings > Manage Posts and delete any post from there. We recommend you first explore what...
  • Grow Your Blog Community

    With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community.Readers can become engaged members of your blog who like to share their thoughts, ideas and discover interesting people. Readers can easily sign up to become members of your blog and get a personal profile page. Members can follow one another and be followed, they...
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